What can I expect if I reach out?

I’ll get back to you as quickly as I can and we’ll figure out what you’re looking for and if I’m a good match. This is usually done in a 15-20 minute phone call or if we’ve talked through email that might be enough too. We’ll decide if it’s coaching or therapy your looking for (see other FAQ question about this).

Therapy is all about the therapeutic relationship that is built on rapport, confidentiality, safety, and trust. We focus on the areas you’re stuck and find the tools you already have to grow. Some people are in therapy for a few months, but many people do therapy on and off throughout their lives as they see it as self-care for ongoing mental health.

If you're struggling with complex trauma, childhood trauma, narcissistic abuse, sexual assault, unexpected loss, I'm an EMDR trained therapist who can help you move beyond these stuck experiences and feelings. Maybe you've tried talk therapy or other mediums of support, and it's helped, but it doesn't feel like it's getting to the root issue. Whether you are new to therapy or returning, my goal is to help you tap into your truth and authentic self. To do this, we utilize tools that get you deeper than talking about your problems and ultimately healing from your pain.

With coaching, the check-in process will be similar, but we’ll focus more on growth-work and intentionality. We’ll come up with your growth goals together and ways to keep you accountable to these.

What is EMDR/trauma therapy?

Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a type of therapy that allows us to target feelings, triggers and memories that feel stuck in your life and use bilateral stimulation to help you feel less activated around those experiences. You don’t have to remember all the details for it to work and it can be life changing. Many of my clients have been able to work through childhood abuse, sudden losses, memories of bullying, etc… and find more peace in their mind and body.

I can also bring in more attachment based awareness and Internal Family Systems (IFS) work into trauma work, which allow me to help you when you feel blocked and stuck with trauma processing in a creative way.

What If Therapy or coaching hasn’t worked for me in the past?

It all depends on the relationship. There may have been times you’ve tried therapy and your motivation was low or you didn’t find a good match.

I may or may not be the right approach for you. What I can say is that in our work together you will be challenged to grow, guided in the path that is uniquely yours, and taught to slow down and check into your heart. If this feels right for you, then we’ll likely be a good fit to work together. If you come my way and it’s not what you thought, I’m more than happy to help you find something that works better.

Do you take insurance?

At this time I do not take insurance. If you have Out of Network Benefits, I can send you receipts to take to your insurance provider. It will still be your responsibility to pay for your sessions at the time of treatment and any involvement with your insurance will be in the form of reimbursement to you the payer after the fact. You can speak with your insurance for more information about this.

How do I decide between coaching or therapy services?

Coaching is great if you’ve been in a stable place in your life (no major symptoms of depression or anxiety for at least 6 months +) and you’re ok with the shorter sessions (45 minute sessions) and accountability type of work.

Therapy is for those of you who are working through major symptoms and issues that are impacting your life and bringing up challenges.

The questions I would ask you are: What brought you to look at this website? What are you having a hard time with? What do you want to grow in? We can always start you on one track and move you as you progress or if you need more support.

How long do these services generally take?

Coaching can be shorter as we pick the goals and we’ll see where we are every 3 months. Coaching is really about you deciding your goals and I help keep you accountable to these. When you feel you’ve achieved these, you’ll know and we can talk about it.

Therapy goals can often be more cumbersome and take more time. It is not easy to work through something like panic disorder, so we might start with education, insight, self and body-awareness, CBT, and later more exposure work, EMDR, etc… This can take months to years.

And as previously stated, you get to give me feedback and be a collaborative part of the process. We are doing this work together. And, if it’s no longer working for you, we can figure out what might best meet your needs.

Is virtual just as good as in-person sessions?

I remember being concerned about virtual when it started. There was fear that not feeling the energy of the person in the room or being able to read full body language could negatively impact the therapy. I was surprised when I started virtual sessions how quickly I and my clients transitioned to meeting over video.

Virtual offered perks that were unexpected; it has made therapy more accessible and being able to meet more easily has meant more consistent progress and this has proved to be beneficial to my clients.